Saturday, October 21st, 2017 (9:00 AM – 1:00PM)

Billerica Highway Division, 250 Boston Rd, North Billerica, MA.
Cost is $10/box. Also collecting: Computer Electronics Fee $25 for large, $15 for small (includes monitor, keyboard, CPU). A1 DATASHRED will destroy your computer hard drive. No TVs.
Sponsored by the Town of Billerica, MA, Neighborhood Brigade and the Billerica Alliance

Let A1 DATASHRED Shred for you!…

For more information:

Saturday, October 14th, 2017 (9:00 AM – 12:00Pm)

DPW facility at 314 Great Road, Bedford MA.
Bedford residents will be limited to five boxes of documents and they’ll be able to watch their papers get destroyed
Sponcerd by Bedford Public Works
Let A1 DATASHRED Shred for you!…

For more information:…/fall-recycling-event-set-for-oc…