
With over 16 years of combined experience, A1 DATASHRED is the most professional, cost-effective and trusted shredding company.

shredded paper

The Advantages of Professional Media Destruction

Large organizations, healthcare facilities, government agencies, and other major companies have several things in common, but one in particular stands out. They all use computers for generating, sharing and storing electronic data. With so many computers and such a significant amount of information being processed and sent online, how can you be sure that your information is in fact secure, even if it’s stored on hard drives?


As industry professionals of secure media destruction, serving the Boston and nearby areas, we want you to understand and be aware of the many forms of hard drive destruction, in comparison to degaussing processes.

  • Peace of Mind: Only a few years ago, news revealed that there was more than 2100 data breach instances which lead to the exposure of over 822 million records. A document destruction company who can handle the shredding of your electronic media and hard drives, assures there is zero risk of a data breach, and your organization is completely protected.


  • Save Money and Office Space: In the United States, the typical cost for each breach that took place was approximately $188. Consider this; if you were to multiply that by the numbers above, this could in turn result in 10s or even 100s of billions of dollars lost from a data breach. Furthermore, the storage space that is often used for keeping old hard drives tucked away could also be a security problem down the road. If computers are left in the open without the necessary security measures in place or if they aren’t being used entirely, information can be compromised very quickly.


  • Full Service Media Destruction: We will handle the safe and secure destruction of more than just your hard drives. We will look after the destruction of other electronic media like tablets and smart phones which most individuals and employees use on a regular routine. Each of these must be disposed of securely so sensitive data found on these is never exposed unknowingly or stolen.
  • Guaranteed and 100% Unrecoverable: Did you know that while you may think a “degaussed” hard drive implies that information is obsolete, the opposite is true? In fact with the right skill, information can be recovered and stolen. The FBI have been investigating this growing issue and in fact, has been discovering data on degaussed hard drives for over a decade. A MIT research study revealed that close to 93% of confidential data from “wiped” hard drives could be accessed.
  • Maintain Compliance: It is not only safe to destroy media for your privacy, but legislation mandates that you protect this data. HIPAA and FACTA, in particular, cover the necessities in relation to the disposal of hard drives and other data. Failing to comply with such regulations could leave you legally responsible should data be leaked down the road. The risks are not worth it.

Media and hard drive shredding services will assist greatly in your overall information management, and organization, all while reducing your internal costs. Our services can be tailored to suit your needs and budgetary requirements. Ensuring you have your hard drives destroyed by professionals means that you are taking active steps in protecting your company from the threats of information theft and data breach. It can be extremely challenging having to recover from such a loss as your reputation and finances are at stake in the event you fall victim. Don’t let it happen to you.


Allow the team at A1 DATASHRED to assist you in managing you old hard drives and other electronic media.


Get in touch with us today to arrange your hard drive destruction service with us. Call 1-888-95-SHRED

September 14, 2018