Shredding Services in Holliston MA
Call (508) 834-7200
On-site Shredding That’s Available As Soon As Tomorrow
When you’ve made the decision to destroy confidential papers you’re ready to get it done. We understand your need for fast reliable service so we can come to you as soon as tomorrow or any day you want Monday through Friday. We offer the same next day service to both residents and businesses in Holliston MA.
Call For A Quote & Appointment
One call to our office is all it takes. Our helpful staff is standing by to assist you with choosing a service, providing a quote and setting up an appointment for the date you want. We service five days a week.
We’ll Come To Your Holliston MA Location To Shred
Our fleet of trucks is equipped with industrial paper shredders that can destroy 3 tons of paper per hour. We bring that power to any location you need to destroy private files and records whether it’s your home office or anywhere you store files. We do all the work by placing your papers onto one of our bins which is locked after your documents are inside. Our bins hold hundreds of pounds of documents. The bin will be taken to our truck so they can be destroyed right away. The on-truck video system will allow you to watch as your files being eliminated as it happens.
We Help Business Shred Old Records in Holliston MA
Your firm has document destruction options;
One-time Shredding – Our onetime service allows you make the decision when to destroy business records. This service is document destruction only when you request it. The frequency is entirely up to you.
Scheduled Document Destruction – Most companies are discarding documents on a regular basis. If this sounds like your company you need our scheduled service. This makes sure destruction of documents is automatic. We can set up an ongoing schedule that is weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. No need to call we’ll be there as scheduled to shred any documents you need destroyed. To make it easier we provide our bins and consoles that stay onsite for you to fill as necessary.
Shredding for Holliston MA Residents
Identity thieves look through household garbage to find your personal information. Don’t make it easy for them by throwing away personal papers in the trash. Have them destroy with our residential shredding service. We come to your house or apartment with one of our industrial paper destruction trucks and all of your private files are destroyed right in front of you. Our residential shredding service is available Monday to Friday.
Certified Shredding Is The Way To Go
Look for a company that is certified by NAID, The National Association of Information Destruction. To be a NAID AAA Certified company requires that they have been and continue to be audited by NAID to ensure they meet the highest security policies and procedures in our industry. NAID also requires that all staff sign confidentiality agreements, and are background checked and drug tests annually.
Give A1 DATASHRED a call today so we can help you start shredding right away.

A proud recipient of the AAA Certification from The National Association for Information Destruction (NAID).
The NAID Certification Program establishes the highest standards for a secure destruction process including such areas as operational security, employee hiring and screening, the destruction process and responsible disposal of the shredded paper.