Paper Shredding Services in Leominster MA
Call (978) 858-0200
Document Shredding Made Easy
There is no faster and easier way to have your documents professionally shredded than calling A1 DATASHRED. Our mobile document destruction service comes to your location on the date that is best for you Monday through Friday.
Set Up Your Appointment Today
It’s not hard to order our mobile service, all you have to do is make one call. Our staff will gladly answer your questions and explain the different types of shredding options we offer. They will help you choose a service and give you our pricing at the same time. You never have to worry about any hidden fees or surcharges because we don’t have any. If you are ready you will also be able to get your appointment on the calendar.
Shredding Options for Businesses
One-time Shredding – If your destroying company records every once in a while then our onetime service is what you are looking for. This is the option that lets you order document destruction only when you need it. There is no minimum number of times you have to call us it could be just once if that’s all you need.
Scheduled Shredding – For that business that receives and generates a lot of paper in the operation of their business our scheduled service is essential. It gives you an easy and cost-effective way to protect confidential information and be compliant with privacy laws. Our locked containers are provided and stay in your office so you always have a secure place to dispose of documents. We then come on a regular schedule to destroy those document. We can come on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly schedule.
Residential Shredding
Those personal papers you have at home are of interest to people that should not have access to them. Don’t let these identity thieves get their hands on them make sure they are shredded when you decide to throw them away. Our onsite residential service makes it easy. We’ll come to your home Monday to Friday and destroy them with one of our commercial paper destruction trucks. You’ll be able to watch the whole process.
The Benefits of Document Shredding in Leominster, MA With A1 DATASHRED
- It’s convenient. First, we come to your location. With our powerful document shredding trucks, the service is fast, easy, and cost-effective. You never have to worry because we shred your papers right in front of you. It beats you spending hours shredding your files a few sheets at a time with a personal shredder, A1 Datashred allows you to sit back and let us do all the work.
- It’s effective. Once your documents are shredded by our commercial shredders, it’s impossible for identity thieves reconstruct the documents and get access to your personal information.
- It’s fast. Our advanced mobile shredding trucks can turn 6,000 pounds of paper into tine particles in an hour,
so there’s no waiting around for your shredding job to be finished. - It’s affordable. There are no surprise add-on charges at A1 Datashred. Our team offers an affordable pricing structure based on the volume and frequency of your shredding needs. It’s transparent, upfront, and easy to understand.
Contact A1 Datashred Today to Schedule Your Mobile Shredding Appointment in Leominster MA today.

A proud recipient of the AAA Certification from The National Association for Information Destruction (NAID).
The NAID Certification Program establishes the highest standards for a secure destruction process including such areas as operational security, employee hiring and screening, the destruction process and responsible disposal of the shredded paper.