
With over 16 years of combined experience, A1 DATASHRED is the most professional, cost-effective and trusted shredding company.

Secure Document Shredding, Melrose, MA

Shred Event Day: Saturday, March 29th, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

The Food Drive is sponsoring a Paper Shred Event and a Food Drive. A mobile shredding truck will shred your documents right in front of you! Bring your old bank statements, airline tickets, credit card statements, medical bills, etc. Protect your identity from Fraud.

$10 – one box or two bags. Proceeds to benefit The Food Drive.

The Food Drive will collect the following items for the Easter Food Distribution at A Servant’s Heart Food Pantry & Pantry of Hope; Applesauce, Canned Fruit, Dried Fruit, Cereal, Juice, Instant Coffee, Oatmeal, Tea and Shelf-Stable Milk.

The Food Drive is a food rescue nonprofit based in Melrose.


Melrose High School Parking Lot
**Enter via Melrose Street
360 Lynn Fells Pkwy, Melrose MA 02176,

Time: Saturday, March 29th, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Let A1 DATASHRED shred your documents for you!

March 21, 2025